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prolong sit down risk

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Prolonged sitting raises risk of death - [ 翻譯這個網頁 ]
26 Jun 2011 – It raises the risk by 40 percent in women and 20 percent in men, ... Sitting down for extended periods increases the risks of cardiovascular ...
www.khaleejtimes.com > Khaleej Times Online > HEALTH


  1. 真的是菜英文,要翻成 "Prolonged sitting raises risk of death" 才對。
  2. 請參考 www.khaleejtimes.com > Khaleej Times Online > HEALTH 的這篇文章:Prolonged sitting raises risk of death

我們看一下上述第 2 項提到的文章,如是說:

26 June 2011, 8:23 AM

People who sit for extended periods are more likely to die early than those who spend less time sitting. It raises the risk by 40 percent in women and 20 percent in men, a study has found.

Sitting down for extended periods increases the risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression and obesity, according to American Cancer Society researchers who looked at 123,000 people’s health over 14 years.

The finding, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, puts sitting down for extended periods of time in the same bracket as smoking, Daily Mail reported quoting the study Saturday.

Diabetes experts point out that sitting is not bad for us in moderation but can be addictive and harmful in the long-run.

The American Cancer Society is concerned that public health guidelines do not say enough about time spent sitting down.

Government exercise recommendations suggest at least 30 minutes on five days per week of ‘moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity’.

They also say 20 minutes of ‘vigorous-intensity’ activity for at least 20 minutes on three days per week would produce similar benefits, according to the Mail.

咦?!外國的月亮比較圓、外國的報導會交待出處!它在第三段說,消息來源刊在 "American Journal of Epidemiology",馬上再問科高,這一本期刊的網路電子期刊在哪?科高說:

接下來,我們連結到 AJE,在右上角有個 "SEARCH",再點進去查詢,到底有沒有這一篇文章。這時候,請別再菜英文了,科高已經告訴你,正確的翻譯是 "Prolonged sitting raises risk of death",請把這一句英文,填到 ”Text | Abstract | Title” 欄位去查詢。

哇!AJE 混亂了,它以為你要查 risk...prolonged...death...,列出一堆不相關的報告。sitting 怎麼都不見了?那就只查 "Prolonged sitting" 吧!


Displaying results 1-10 of 52

  • Original Contribution
Alpa V. Patel, Leslie Bernstein, Anusila Deka, Heather Spencer Feigelson, Peter T. Campbell, Susan M. Gapstur, Graham A. Colditz, and Michael J. Thun
Leisure Time Spent Sitting in Relation to Total Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of US Adults
Am. J. Epidemiol. (2010) 172(4): 419-429 first published online July 22, 2010 doi:10.1093/aje/kwq155
...television (16, 34, 35). Time spent sitting was previously shown to be associated...contribute to the association between sitting time and mortality, this association...stratifying on body mass index. Third, prolonged time spent sitting, independent of physical activity...
>>Abstract >>Full Text (HTML) >>Full Text (PDF)

AJE 是 Science Citation Index (科學引文索引) 收錄的醫學期刊喔![2]所以這一篇文章,可是有一定公信力的,不同於坊間的八卦文學。

使用者付費!要下載這一篇文章的 Pdf 檔,是要 CoCo...!但不用自己花錢啦,在台灣,很多醫學院的圖書館都有收錄這一本電子期刊,去圖書館的電腦下載即可。例出摘要僅供參考:


The obesity epidemic is attributed in part to reduced physical activity. Evidence supports that reducing time spent sitting, regardless of activity, may improve the metabolic consequences of obesity. Analyses were conducted in a large prospective study of US adults enrolled by the American Cancer Society to examine leisure time spent sitting and physical activity in relation to mortality. Time spent sitting and physical activity were queried by questionnaire on 53,440 men and 69,776 women who were disease free at enrollment. The authors identified 11,307 deaths in men and 7,923 deaths in women during the 14-year follow-up. After adjustment for smoking, body mass index, and other factors, time spent sitting (≥6 vs. <3 hours/day) was associated with mortality in both women (relative risk = 1.34, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.25, 1.44) and men (relative risk = 1.17, 95% CI: 1.11, 1.24). Relative risks for sitting (≥6 hours/day) and physical activity (<24.5 metabolic equivalent (MET)-hours/week) combined were 1.94 (95% CI: 1.70, 2.20) for women and 1.48 (95% CI: 1.33, 1.65) for men, compared with those with the least time sitting and most activity. Associations were strongest for cardiovascular disease mortality. The time spent sitting was independently associated with total mortality, regardless of physical activity level. Public health messages should include both being physically active and reducing time spent sitting.



